Windows 7 Free Downgrade

6. Select your Window 7 OS and click Next.

7. Here click Command Prompt to launch the same.

8. Now type following commands one by one and hit enter after each command to move all the contents of Windows 7 to a new folder (here “C” is your Windows 7 drive letter).

Macs pork cracklins. Md Win7
Move Windows Win7Windows
Move “Program Files” “Win7Program Files”
Move Users Win7Users
Attrib –h –s –r ProgramData
Move ProgramData Win7ProgramData
Rd “Documents and Settings”

9. In this step, you will copy the contents from Windows.old folder to the drive. Now type following commands one by one and hit enter after each command (here “C” is your Windows 7 drive letter & D is your DVD drive letter).

move /y c:Windows.oldWindows c:

Windows 7 Downgrade Tool

move /y “c:Windows.oldProgram Files” c:

Windows 10 Free Downgrade To 7

move /y c:Windows.oldProgramData c:
move /y c:Windows.oldUsers c:
move /y “c:Windows.oldDocuments and Settings” c:

10. You are almost done! It’s time to restore the boot sector of your Vista OS by entering the command given below (again, “D” is your DVD drive letter):

D:bootbootsect /nt60 c:

Windows 7 Free Downgrade Software 11. Finally, type exit and then reboot your PC to start using your Windows Vista OS. You can now safely delete the Win7 folder in the root of your “C” drive to free up disk space. Good luck!